Facebook Fundraisers

For your birthday, Facebook promotes Fundraisers, an option to create a fundraiser for a cause. In honor of your birthday, consider selecting Livingston County Humane Society as your non-profit of choice. All proceeds benefit Chillicothe Animal Shelter! You can easily create a fundraiser for the Livingston County Humane Society by clicking the button below! Select “Livingston County Humane Society” as the non-profit.

Tips for the Facebook Fundraiser
1. Rather than using the default "About" section, share your story! Whether you have rescued a pet, donated time at the shelter, or just care about animals—your personal experience is what people want to know!
2. Use a photo of you at Chillicothe Animal Shelter or of you with an animal!
3. Send personalized invites to family and friends.
4. Share updates on Facebook as to the progress of the fundraiser.
5. Propose a recommended share amount (i.e. $5 per Facebook friend so we can raise $5,000).

If you have any questions about Fundraisers on Facebook or how to best do this to support Chillicothe Animal Shelter and Livingston County Humane Society, please let us know!